7 Household Tech Hacks That Make Your Life Easier


Household Tech Hacks That Make Your Life Easier Woman Featured ImageThere’s no doubt that all of the advances in modern technology have made your life a lot easier. Whether it’s being able to easily stay in touch with friends living across the world or being able to get an ebook from the library without leaving your couch, you’ve grown accustomed to using technology in ways that benefit you in your home.

We’ve come up with a few tech hacks you may not have thought of yet. Using these will make your new home even better.

1. Feel More Comfortable with Smarter Heating and Cooling

Programmable thermostats have been a popular choice for the past few years. They allow you to set the temperature of the home and have the heat or air conditioning automatically adjust based on the times you’re usually home. Ones that connect to your smartphone give you even more control. You can adjust the temperature in your home from anywhere.

Zoned heating and cooling is also a smart idea. This allows you to heat only the rooms you’re using, saving money on your utility bills. Some HVAC systems have this feature, but if yours doesn’t, you can get the same effect by replacing the vents with the Keen Home smart vents.

Household Tech Hacks That Make Your Life Easier Couple Image2. Wake Up Feeling Refreshed with Better Alarms

Waking up to the sound of a harsh alarm is jarring. For many, it gets the day off to a bad start. Look for a better way to wake up. For instance, the Sleep Better app from Runtastic can tell what stage of sleep you’re in based on your movements and will wake you up when you’re in a light sleep stage. The Gentle Wakeup app will wake you up gently by gradually increasing the brightness of the light. 

3. Charge Your Phone Anywhere with USB Outlets

Bringing the phone charger from room to room can be a pain, and the part that plugs in is bulky to carry around. With USB outlets, all you need is the cord. If you didn’t ask for these in your new home build, it’s relatively easy to install them on your own. Put them in advantageous locations: near your nightstand, next to your favourite chair in the living room, and on the kitchen counter. You’ll then be able to easily charge your phone wherever you are.

4. Attach Your iPad to the Wall with Wall Hooks

These days, most people use their iPad or smartphone in the kitchen. You might use it to follow a recipe, watch TV while you cook, or just listen to some music. By attaching your iPad to the wall, you free up your counter space and put the device in a better position for you to look at it while you work. Standard wall hooks are easy to install, and they’ll keep your device positioned at the proper level.

Household Tech Hacks That Make Your Life Easier Socket Image5. Insert Your Charger the Right Way Every Time

You have a 50/50 chance of inserting your USB plug into the charger the correct way, but it’s funny how rarely you seem to get it right the first time. Change your luck by placing a stick-on gem or a dot of glue onto the top of the USB. It doesn’t hurt the device, and you can simply feel which side is the top.

These suggestions are small things that can make a big difference in your life. Try a few of them out to see if they make things easier. 

6. Organize and Protect Your Cords

The downside of all the electronic devices is they come with cords that you have to maintain. Many charging cords fit into a variety of devices, but you still probably have a few items that have their own special cord. Keep things organized by placing cords you aren’t using in old toilet paper tubes. If you have a cord or two that always stays in the same place, it’s cute to have a LEGO mini-figure hold the cable

Additionally, cords tend to be weak at the area where they plug in because you often bend the cord to use the device while it’s charging. You can prevent this from happening by wrapping an old pen spring around the cord. It’s the perfect fit.

7. Let Guests Log Into Your WiFi Network with a QR Code

When guests come to visit, they want to connect to your Wi-Fi so they don’t use up their data. This is easy to do when you generate a personalized QR code that instantly connects them. You’ll no longer have to memorize a complicated password. 

A great idea is to print and frame your QR code, then hang it on a common wall for easy access! If you don't want to go through the trouble of creating a QR code, consider just printing a decorative design with your password typed on it.

Have any other cool tech hacks you use in your own home? Share with us in the comments below!

Photo credits: woman, socket, couple 

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