The Only Home Move Checklist You Need


Only Home Move Checklist You Need Woman Featured ImageAs you prepare to move, your life becomes filled with checklists. There’s the list of things you need to bring on closing day, the things you need to pack, and all the people you need to notify. Often, this is on top of all of your regular responsibilities at work and at home.

We know it’s a challenge, but it’s one that’s well worth the effort - and we hope our guide can help you enjoy a smooth transition into the home you've always wanted.

Before Moving Day: Getting Prepared

  • Start getting prepared for the move a few months before your actual moving date. This means you’ll have all your ducks in a row, and you won’t be rushing around at the end because you’ve forgotten important details. 
  • only-home-checklist-ever-need-tasks-imageMake your to-do lists. There are plenty of lists online, but you have to take care to personalize them. At this point, you’ll want to start researching moving companies. Get estimates from at least three different companies, but make sure the companies come to your home for a more accurate estimate. 
  • Schedule the move. If you’re moving at a popular time – during the summer, or at the beginning or end of the month – the movers’ schedules can get filled up quickly.
  • Set aside all of your important paperwork. This includes financial documents, kids’ school forms, and paperwork that relates to owning your current home. These things are often required at some point in the days immediately before or after the move, and you don’t want them lost in the shuffle.

Before Moving Day: Packing Your Things

  • About a month before you move, start packing your things. Go through your closets and other belongings looking for things you don’t need anymore, then sell, donate, or toss them. You don’t want to move things you don’t use. 
  • Pack up the things you know you won’t need over the next month, and organize those boxes. Create a list of what’s inside each box and tape it to the outside of the box. 
  • Colour-code the box so movers know where they go in the new home and stack them in a room so it’s easier for them to take them. You’ll also want to document any valuables to be sure they don’t get lost or damaged during the move.

Before Moving Day: Preparing for the Movers

A day or two before you move, get ready for the movers to come. Finish packing the boxes so everything is ready when they arrive. Keep a few boxes of essential items in your car. These should be the things you’ll need in your new home on moving day: fresh sheets for the beds, a change of clothes, toothbrushes and toothpaste, toilet paper, the coffee maker, and other such items. Get some cash from the bank to tip the movers.

On Moving Day: Helping Things Run Smoothly

If you have kids or pets, plan to have them at someone else’s house on the day of the move. You don’t want them underfoot when the movers are going in and out. 

Get to the new home early with your cleaning supplies so you can give the home a good clean. Many people like to do this even in a brand-new home. It makes the space feel more like your own. 

You’ll also want to plan some easy food options for moving day. You might have a loaf of bread and some sandwich meat, or you might plan to order take-out.

Only Home Move Checklist You Need Cleaning ImageAfter Moving Day: Leaving Your Old Home Looking Great

Once the movers have taken everything out of your old home, you want to give it a thorough cleaning. This will make the new buyers feel happier about their purchase. If you’re moving from an apartment, you’ll have a better chance of getting your deposit back if the place is sparkling. 

After Moving Day: Don’t Forget These Essentials

Once you’re in your new home, it’s natural to want to take a break, but don’t stop yet. You’ll feel more relaxed once you fully unpack all of your boxes, so spend the time you need to get through that boring task. Otherwise, you’ll constantly have to open boxes to find what you're looking for. 

You should also take care to change your address with all of your companies. This is a daunting task that surprisingly can take several hours. Set aside a block of time to get it all done at once. This way, you won’t miss any bills or important notices.

Finally, you’ll want to get out and explore your new community. Walk around and meet the neighbours. Drive around the big thoroughfares and find out where all your favourite stores are. You might not be fully adjusted for a few months, but it’s fun to find new things. 

Moving is a stressful time, but it becomes easier when you’re prepared. Make some lists and get ready for your move.

Photo credits: woman, cleaning, tasks

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