Why Curb Appeal Is So Important


Why Curb Appeal Is So Important Featured ImageCurb appeal has really become a buzzword as of late. Realtors are always talking about it, home makeover shows are always focused on it and Pinterest is full of ideas on how to improve it.

What’s the Big Deal?

Curb appeal is about making your home look nice from the street. People often worry about it when they’re trying to sell their home because if the home doesn’t look nice from the outside, no one will want to see the inside. 

However, it’s smart to think about having good curb appeal even when you first move into a new home and here's why: 

Why Curb Appeal is so Important Body Image 2Setting the Tone

The way your home looks from the outside sets the tone for what people expect on the inside. It’s important for sellers because they know when a buyer sees a home that looks nice from the outside, they tend to think the person must have done just as good of a job maintaining the inside. It can also help you when you plan to live in your home for a long time. When you come home to see a pretty exterior to your home, you feel more inclined to keep up with the inside as well.

Preserving Property Value

Improving the curb appeal of a home can either increase a home’s property value or help the seller make a quicker sale. However, you shouldn’t only be concerned about the value of your property when you’re trying to sell it. You want your property to hold (or increase) its value for the entire time you live there. Keeping up with the maintenance is an essential part of that. If you fall behind on efforts to maintain the look of the front yard, you’ll pay for it when you have to sell your home.

Why Curb Appeal Is So Important Body Image 1Making the Neighbourhood More Appealing

Having nice curb appeal doesn’t only affect the value of your home. It can affect the value of the other homes in your neighbourhood. After all, no one wants to live across the street from someone who’s front yard looks like an overgrown junkyard. Keeping up appearances is a courtesy to your neighbours. If everyone keeps the front of their homes looking tidy, there’s pressure for newcomers to maintain the look, and this helps the entire neighbourhood.

Showing Pride in Your Home

Essentially, having good curb appeal shows others you take pride in your home. Why does this matter? Aside from the good feeling you get yourself, people do make judgements about you based on the condition of your home. 

Keeping Your Home Safe

There’s also an element of safety involved in maintaining the exterior of your home. If bushes or other plants aren’t trimmed, they could spill over onto the walkway, potentially causing someone to trip. Animals love to burrow in areas with a lot of plant cover, and if they’re already making their home close to your house, it’s only a matter of time before they realize how attractive your home is. You don’t want this type of unwelcome houseguest.

You want your home to have great curb appeal, but this doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. When you build your home, talk to the builder about landscaping options that will work for you. If you want to improve the curb appeal of your current home, search Pinterest or design magazines for ideas that make sense for your home. A little bit of effort can go a long way.

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