6 Things New Homeowners Need to Prepare For


6 Things New Homeowners Need to Prepare For Featured ImageKnowing that you don't have to deal with making major upgrades and repairs just after moving is probably one of the best reasons to choose a brand-new home. With that being said, there’s always work involved with owning a home. New homeowners are often surprised by all of the things that can crop up.


We want you to feel prepared, so we’ve put together this list of things you should prepare for when you move into a new home.

Multiple Shopping Trips

Sure, you may have moved all of your furniture and other belongings from your old home to the new home, but there’s undoubtedly going to be a lot of things that you’ll need for the new place. If you’ve been living in a rental unit, you’ll probably need things like a lawnmower and gardening equipment for when the weather’s nice, and a snowblower and shovel for when the snow is falling. You may also find that your old furniture doesn’t fit the new space or that your decorations and accessories don’t quite match the vibe of a more modern home.

After spending so much money moving, you may not have enough money to buy everything new, so it may be best to acquire the new things you need a little at a time.

Unexpected Expenses

You’re not going to have to repair the roof or repaint the walls in your new home, but this doesn’t mean that unexpected expenses won’t come up. They could be things like car repairs, an illness in the family prompting a trip across the country, or a surprise tax bill. Make sure you’re setting aside some money from each paycheque into an emergency savings account so that you’ll be able to handle any expenses that come up.

6 Things New Homeowners Need to Prepare For Repairs ImageAppliance Maintenance

Your appliances aren’t likely to break down for several years, but you still need to take care of the maintenance. Carefully read through your manuals for details on what to do. Some things you can do on your own, like vacuuming the coils at the back of the refrigerator. However, there are things like HVAC maintenance that you’ll want a professional to take care of. These services cost a nominal fee, but they keep your appliances in top shape.

6 Things New Homeowners Need to Prepare For Gardening ImageYard Work

If this is your first time maintaining a yard, you’re probably going to be surprised by how much time you have to spend on this task. There are things to do at all times of the year. In the spring, you’ll plant your garden. In the summer, you have to mow the lawn weekly, water the plants, and pull out any weeds. In the fall, you’ll have to rake up the leaves. And in the winter, you need to remove snow from the driveway and walkways. While you can definitely minimize the amount of work you have to do (you can always pay someone to handle it if you have the extra cash), remember that you’ll have to set aside some time for yard work each week.

Home Settling

All homes settle in their first few years as the soil around the foundation expands and contracts due to the changes in weather. This settling is normal, and you might see some signs of it inside the home. Small cracks in the foundation don’t indicate a major problem. However, if you see large cracks, cracks that run diagonally from the corners of the windows, or are having problems with the doors and windows sticking, there could be damage to the foundation. If in doubt, have the builder come in to check what’s going on. Your new home warranty will cover any of these issues.

6 Things New Homeowners Need to Prepare For Safety ImageSafety

As you move into your new home, you probably want to set up some things to keep your home safe. If you have young children, take some time to thoroughly childproof the home. You want to make sure that stairways are blocked, and that children can’t open cabinet doors that might have dangerous chemicals.

You may also consider investing in some other safety products, like security cameras, alarm systems, or smart technology that can make it seem like you’re at home when you’re not. Many families also take extra precautions for fire safety, such as buying a few extra fire alarms, keeping a fire extinguisher in the kitchen, and having safety ladders in the bedrooms.

Moving into your new home is exciting, but it’s even better when you’re prepared for what’s ahead. You don’t want any surprises cropping up. The above list is a great reminder for anyone getting ready to move into a new home for the first time.


Photo credits: depositphotos.com

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